Audioengine A5+ 被 EloTalk 授予游戏玩家的Hi-Fi音箱最佳之选奖项

“After about 50 hours of burn in I gladly discovered that these speakers are easily the best speakers I’ve ever had on my computer desk and by far the best sounding. The acoustic bass is like gold with these speakers, sounding so superb and clean yet so thunderous. The Mids these speakers reproduce are phenomenal. Any well-recorded track will be analytical and orchestras will be airy all while being balanced and dynamic. Vocals are incredibly bright and upfront. It is pretty common to hear the singers breathing before notes. Mids are balanced, crisp, rich and incredibly detailed. I have no other words for the mids with these speakers except wow, just wow. The highs in the A5+ are awesome and these handle the highest of high frequencies with ease. These speakers boast a heady, open quality to the sound that comes from the good representation of overtones. To get good stereo imaging, you’ll be looking at speakers that are well near 1000 dollars, but these do quite a fantastic job at them for half the price. These speakers are filled with energy, power, and a boundless enthusiasm, just screaming at you to crank the volume dial. The Audioengine A5+ are a bargain, for the quality of sound these speakers deliver. These speakers deliver a phenomenal sound and offer simple, attractive styling. To Audioengine, keep doing what you’re doing because I love it.” ——


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